Friday, 8 March 2019

Friday Washday!

Very grey today and drizzly. We stayed in today because Vin decided that he would do the bedding, no chance of  hanging anything out today so it is the tumble drier today. I remember wash days in our house  in "the olden days" with washing draped everywhere, over clothes maidens and in front of the fire, mostly steaming away. The windows all steamed up and the smell of wet washing in the air. Now it is the smell of soft rinse coming from the tumble drier. 
The nights are drawing out now with the sun setting about sixish which is much later. At least the early dark nights have gone. 
Jessie seems to have quite a little routine going , after waking her daddy up for food or waking up when he goes down for the coffees, she settles in her basket and there she stays till lunchtime. Moves around a bit and then back in the basket. They don't half sleep a lot cats do! Suppose that's normal. 
Favourite spot in the house, especially with my daddy feeding me some cream! None today though it's all run out!!

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