Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Hairdo Week!

Washed my hair this morning ready for going to the hairdressers tomorrow.  It is so long now it is creeping down my neck at the back and I've never had it that long. Don't like it that way so will be glad to get it shorter again and tidier. 
Quite a nice sunny day today but still fairly cool. The sun is out but the air is cool sonot sitting out weather yet. It will probably be windy and rainy tomorrow if I am going to get my hair cut. Then clear until Thursday when I have an appointment at the podiatry clinic in Aintree.
Jessie actually miaowed at me this morning. When I was going through to the kitchen I went past her basket and stroked her head and said hello, as you do, and she let out the biggest miaow. Vin said there you are she does love you! I thought she was probably thinking get6 off me! Maybe not, she is quite a miaower, and does it to Vin all the time. He is always talking to her, and it is lovely to hear them communicating. They are quite a partnership. 
Just how she looked when I went past her, you can have a bit of cream from a very jammy cake for that. None of the jam for you though! 

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