Monday, 22 July 2019

Melting Monday!

Quiet Monday here at home. It has turned out to be fairly hot today, but the weather people said that it would be and the papers have been warning about a heatwave for the last few days. Seems to be right too this time. 
We didn't go out today but Vin did go to Tesco quickly to get a flan for tea. They didn't have any in stock on Saturday and neither did Sainsbury's so he went today instead, and they had lots in stock. They have obviously refilled the shelves. Thank goodness for that. 
Jessie has mostly been in the front room this morning, surfacing at lunchtime, ours that is, anyway she was fed then.  Vin said when he went t feed her this morning she just sat there, he put some meat dawn and she looked at it so he put some biswcuits down and she looked at them, then he said "do you want some sprinkles?" and she looked up at him. He put those down and she went for the lot!! What a minx.
Nice day today so it's out for a wander. Cream cake today too!!

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