Friday, 26 July 2019


Again another hot one! it was overcast this morning but the sun is ut now and it is very warm again. Thought the weather people said it ws going to be cooler today but it isn't yet, hopefully it will tonight. Last night was terrible for me anyway, just couldn't get comfy, and then my skin started itching, no idea why, and that woke Vin up, but that made it worse of course. Hope it will be better tonight!
Jane had her eye appointment this morning at the eye hospital near where she works. She rang up later to say that they say the eye is still changing so there wasn't any point in seeing the Dr., and go back in another six weeks which is the 13th of September. That's a shame becaus3e she is dying to get back driving, her little car is sitting outside her house not moving, poor little car. 
Haven't seen much of Jessie this morning yet anyway, think she is still in the front room which seems to be favourite at the mment. It is the coolest room in the house after the sun has gone round mis-morning. The back of the house is quite hot until the sun goes down anyway.
No cream cake? Oh dear, don't think I am a happy catty now!!

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