Wednesday, 17 June 2020


Wednesday again, seem to come round with monotonous regularity!
Vin has taken himself off to Tesco to do the weekly shopping. This he does very well because what he gets lasts the week just about. He has a regular list and then keeps an eye out for anything suitable for us to eat.  Mostly we eat different things anyway becaus of the things that don't suit me, so he will for examle have a chilli or a curry while I have a bit of flan and a croquette. Suits us both then. 
It seems to be quite humid today as it has been for the last few days really, we have been forecaast storms but nothing really materialised just looked like it. 
He  has just rung up to say he is on his way back, there was noqueue and nothing at the check out either so he got round quickly. We are waiting for a parcel to be delivered this morning of some fruits for cheese that were ordered on Monday. We got an email to say it would arrive yesterday but it wasn't actually on the delivery van till today. Doesn't matter, it is a good delivery rate anyway. 
Jessie is downstairs, sleeping on her blanket after her breakfast. So tiring being a cat! Jane rang up last night for a chat on her way to work, a night duty, and one of the things she said was that she had seen that "Bob" the cat had died. That is a real shame, it was a beautiful ginger cat who attached himself to a homeless man and would follow him everywhere, even on buses. There were a coup;e of novels written about it, and a lovely film too which we really enjoyed. R.I.P. little Bob.
Jane and her mate! What a lovely pair they are.

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