Wednesday, 3 June 2020


Nice to see a bit f rain today to wake up with. The weather people did say there would be a change in the weather over the next few days but didn't realy believe it while it was so warm yesterday.  That will do the gardens a bit of good, and make the weeds grow again probably!
Vin has gone off to Tesco this morning to do what has now become his regular Wednesday weekly shopping trip.No doubt he will be careful as he always is, he takes gloves and wipes with him and says he doesn't browse any more just gets what is necessary really. probably the cat's need at the top of the list!
The news is very much the same as it has been for weeks now, mostly different reports about the virus and related subjects. Now the riots in America, where a black man was killed by white policeman kneeling on his throat. Riots here also, in supportof the cause.
Jessie is still staying out of the way largely, mostly on jane's bed all curled up at the pillow part. Looks so comfy.
Hope he got some treats for me!

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