Goodness knows what the weather is ging to do today. The weather forecasts were quite undecided really yesterday, but mostly they said it was going to be scattered sunshine and rain showers,
Very little going n today, Vin put an order in for somemore fruits for cheese yesterday. We had a look online at Amazon but they were to come from a firm in Hawkshead and you didn't get free P&P so in the end he decided to go with the Tracklements. He got an eail quite quickly to say they would be delivered tomorrow! which is today! so he is awaiting another email to say when they will arrive. That's good gong.
All the small shops on the High Streets were open for business yesterday and the papers this morning showing the differences between them Big queues at Primark and at the Nike shop in London. Not a lot of signs of social distancing. Funny as I amtyping this they are playing Manic Monday on the radio!! There's a coincidence.
Jessie was having a great time this morning chasing Vin's foot which was hanging out of the bed as it often does for some reason. She was really nibbling at it he said, he told her to stop it but she took no notice. Too early I suppose. Anyway she is now fed and watered and is now asleep on the blanket downstairs.
What me? I am little Miss Innocent!
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