Thursday, 17 September 2020

More Blood !

Another blood test today, this time for the village surgery over the road. Seems that it couldn't be done at the hospital where i went for another one on Tuesday because the computers are not linked up! make it a l;ot easier if it was! The surgery told us to go to Litherand but when we thought about it we didn't know whether it was the Town hall or the Sefton Road one. So Vin rang up the sefton road one and was told we were not on the list so it must be the other one. Off we went to the Town Haall. Quite busy, everybody in masks, a sea of blue masks all over, horrible things they steam your glasses up, but needsmust i suppose. Waited a while then it appeared that we were not on their computer, but we had the letter, and Vin explained that he had rung up first and was told we were on their list so he put us on. Waited a while socially distancing of course then went in. Done and dusted in a few minutes and off home.

Just  got a phone call from somebody asking if i had been for my blood test? Sort of like Big Brother!

Jrssie was waiting in the middle room when we got home she probably has had a sleep and now wants more food!

 Always ready for a tasty little morsel! Or two!

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