Thursday, 24 September 2020

Numbers Rising Again!

Fears of a second wave are proving right at the moment,  students going to University and the result of that is certainly affecting some areas. Round here manchester and Liverpool seem to be badly hit with a lot of students from both universities being badly hit. Some of them are talking about online tutoring, don't know how that would work, can't see it happening for the practical courses anyway. They have had a tugh year, these present students, with the trouble over their A level exams it can't haave been easy.

Weather supposed to be coler this week with more Autumn touches. The trees are beginning to look a bit more colourful anyway and dropping leaves, but they were doing that in the summer with all of the dry weather. Next door have a load of scoffolding on the back of their house. not for them it is actually for the house adjoining theirs. Very sporadic work on it though, but as Vin says they are probably working on a couple of jobs at the same time. 

We are not planning to go out anywhere at the moment, with the rules to stay in where possible, and the fact that places are very much reduced, it would have been nice to go to Dobbies one of our little haunts, but maybe not at the moment. The free coffees do not tempt us at present either. 

Jessie is used to us being at home and is very attached to her daddy, as long as he is around she is happy. Blissfully aware thatanything is going on, and no masks toworry about. nice life really. 

Nice comfy place to sleep and a warm Daddy's lap to settle on and she is hapy!


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