Friday, 11 September 2020

Somebody Wants Blood!

Sounds like the title of a thriller novel, but people are after my blood! Vin got a text this morning to ring the surgery to arrange a blood test to check up on a variety of levels. The other one is a renal one to be done at Aintree for the Aranesp , that crops up with mnotonous regularity! Ah well, what it is to be wanted. 

Otherwise everything quite quiet at the western front. Not a lot doing at all, and the lockdown continues with social gatherings cancelled for more than six people. There are worries about Christmas now, seems likely that families will not be able to have their gatherings. Doesn't bother us because we don't have a big family, but I can see how it would affect others. 

The Easyyo yoghurt arrived the other day so Vin made a pack up last night. Delivered very quickly actually, ordered on Saturday came on Wednesday. not bad going that.  lovetheir yoghurt, nice creamy greek style with honey flavour. best one.

Jessie is living her life in a social bubble,just me her daddy and her! She keeps happy, as long as she is fed and watered she is sorted!

 Best s3eat in the house says I !

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