Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Poor little Pussies!

They had to go to the vets today for their yearly check ups and vaccinations. They absolutely hate going in the car and cry all of the way, and one or other of them usually has a wee or worse in their basket. And, they didn't disappoint either. VT has a rescue bag and stops to sort them out. When they get there they are as good as gold though and take all the poking and prodding like troopers. Bobby has a prblem with her teeth so has some antibiotics, and has to go back when we come back from Bath. rusty is fine. She has lost 1/2 lb., which is more than we have!!
Then we came home had a cup of coffee and a biscuit, and went off to Tesco. Yesterday we noticed that they were selling a printer (Epson) for £49.99 so we went back today to get one. Our printer is quite aged now, it was bought when Jane had her first computer, so doesn't owe us anything. This one is a printer, copier, scanner and does photos as well.It should free up a bit of space on the unit.
Tonight we are having:
Roast Vegetables, onion pepper, courgette and the remainder of the butternut squash roasted.
Quorn sausagesor a chicken style steak.A few new potatoes roasted in with the veggies.

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