VT who has been glancing at this Blog of mine, mainly to see what I am saying about him I think, pointed out that it is referred to in Google search. I had no idea really, I use it as a sort of diary, charting what we are doing and to keep a record of what we are having for our veggie healthy eating plan. VT says he looks on occasionally to see what we are having for our evening meal!! Funny man.
Must admit I have a real yearning to bake something today. A lovely sponge cake or a poppy seed loaf or a nice batch of scones...why is everything so tasty so fattening?? Who could imagine a small scone with butter and jam and clotted cream could be a zillion calories..Just not fair!!
Yesterday the doorbell went and it was a parcel. Quite a big parcel and it was labelled chilled products. No idea what it was and was surprised to see when I opened it up that it was a tub of Clover Margarine. Now this is special Clover margarine because it is a new lighter version that I have been asked to try. Nothing on the tub so it looks very unusual. I did an online survey a few days ago about spreads and this is the result. Must admit I am a Clover fan so it isn't a hardship, and so far anyway it is proving to be a tasty spread.
Tonight we are having:
Guess what Chinese.
4oz rice egg fried, VT does this and beautifully,
Stir fried vegetables,
Chinese sauce of some sort,
Quorn Goujons or Dippers we shall see.
Lovely to get vback into our usual chinese routine again.
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