Friday, 20 June 2008

Another friday Another Shop!

This time we took our money off to Sainsbury's Walton. We went next door and got a new lampshade for the kitchen, the last one was very scruffy, and a new bath brush..ditto. We are just scruffy people!!
Bought all our usual weekend things,plus a few extras.
We try to use any coupons that we find n the magazine, but didn't have a lot to use up today.No organic cherry tomatoes for example. Must admit to being very annoyed with them because they never have potato salad. I would have thought that this was a staple item, but they don't even have any basic type, let alone a finest.. What's that all about as they say!!
Tonight we are having:
VT's choice..Tacos.
We were just going to buy the shells then get everything else, but they had the kits on special offer, so we got those.
Then we will need the quorn mince, lettuce to shred, a tiny bit of cheese to grate etc.
Nice tasty tea.

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