Saturday, 14 June 2008


For next door. They have gone away to France for two weeks, and have left VT in charge of their cat who is called "Cat". She is a lovely little ginger puss who has a sweet face and a bobble on the end of its tail. She is a very street wise puss, and stays outside the front for hours.
VT went looking for it last night, and there was no sign, so we went to bed at the usual time. He went into their house this morning to check its water bowl etc., and she comes bounding out. It was inside all the time!
It spends quite a lot of time sitting in our front garden and seems to be quite happy. Our two don't go into the front, they stay mostly in the back garden or in the house. Funny how different cats are.
There is a petrol strike today and for the next three days, so VT didn't go for his usual mooch this morning. I think he missed the cheap shop, he always comes back with something from there. Come to think of it, there isn't much traffic going up and down in front of the house. Maybe people are conserving their petrol. Well, that's a good thing.
Tonight we are having:
The Chinese.
Spring Rolls,
4oz of egg fried rice,
Stir-fried vegetables, with mushrooms and peppers.
A sauce of some sort.
Must have a go at making my own spring rolls some day. They are fairly expensive and could be done with filo pastry.

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