Sunday, 22 June 2008

Blowy Sunday...Very

What a windy day today. You would think it was more like October than the middle of June, and summertime.
All the magazines are full of "summer" foods and recipes, and hot summer clothing! I think the sales will be good this year, all the summer stuff will be much reduced I think.
The wind has blown my poor little Buddha over in the garden twice,now that is not good in the middle of summer is it. Next door neighbours are in France on holiday, I hope it is hotter there for them.
Yesterday's blog has disappeared. I did a whole new one with the comments on Midsummers day, and it has all gone. Wonder where things go into outer space?
Did the crosswords in record time today, even quicker than last week, and that was pretty quick.Maybe they are gatting easier, or the regular person is on holiday. All three done by 5.15 and that was starting mid afternoon. VT did his in about 1/2 an hour. really speedy today.Then he finishedd my one too..Brainbox today.
he got a good DVD from Blockbusters yesterday, it was "Call of the Wild" one of the Road Movie type, but a true one. Excellent too. It was the journey of a young college graduate who trekked his way through the US and into Mexico and finally Alaska. The people he met and the things that happened made it a good film. Not a happy ending though.
Today, we made a Pizza dough, a loaf of and Linseed, and some roast vegetables. Going to make the pizza later.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our homemade dough
Roasted vegetables,
Tomato sauce.
Salad with baby plum tomatoes, avocado cucumber etc.
Potato salad and a rice salad from Sainsbury's.

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