Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Stop Ins..

Stayed in today..well you can't go out every day.
VT did the front garden, removed the daffodil bulbs from the barrel and got them ready to store away.
I did the ironing which was all over the downstairs and has been looking at me for a few days now. Mostly wintry things which need putting away for the summer. At present..(the second of June) the weather is lovely and sunny and very bright, but according to the weather people it is set to change by the weekend. It is quite pleasant at the moment, not too hot and good enough to sit out. The little cats are feeling the heat a bit though and Bobby is finding shady places to sleep in.
Really quiet today..no post at least fr me, VT got a few, and nothing happening, maybe go somewhere tomorrow.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn toad in the Hole,
Cabbage and Leek with mushrooms. Steam the cabbage first then add the sliced myshrooms.
Might or might do gravy..depends.

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