Thursday, 11 June 2009

Waiting In..

For a delivery..due at about lunchtime, between 12 O'Clock and 2O'Clock. In the event he came at 1O'Clock, so that was right on the mark. It is a set of pre loaded injections to do with my iron level. Now I have to ring the renal nurse to find out what to do with them since no-one told me. Do that tomorrow.
We were talking about Jane when we were having our coffee and lo and behold she rang up a few minutes later. We had seen something about someone she used to be at school with who has been arrested in Spain for the murder of his girlfriend who has been stabbed a number of times and had her throat cut!! She already knew actually had heard last week, but it was only in the local paper today. Then we asked her about whether she had heard from her solicitor about her compensation but she hadn't.
The she rang up a short while later to say there was a letter from him when she got home about the medical reports which agreed with what she had said, so that was looking good for her. A lot of co-incidences today though.
VT went to Maghull this morning while I stayed in for the delivery, and came back food! He always comes back with cat food Bless Him.
Another delivery came light bulbs for VT from the Daily Mail and a parcel from St Tropez for Michelle the girl in the end house.
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all.
The rest of the Jersey Royals,
The rest of the vegetables,
Something from the freezer.

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