Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Christmas creeping up...

We have done bits and pieces today. VT fitted his new wheel trims, and his car looks lovely and smart now.
I wanted to get a bit of a newletter going today, so started one on the word processor. it was quite difficult to think of anything to write this year, but got there in the end. VT has tweaked it a bit for me so it fills a page quite nicely.
He was on the little Netbook last night, and was loking at the blogs next to mine. Some of them are amazing..they lead such interesting lives. It's all very humbling really. A lot of the American ones are fascinating..there was one where the couple had gone to the Plimoth Plantation for their Thanksgiving dinner, and it looked awful..really really awful. Like it had been thrown on a plate! You would at least expect them to do it properly wouldn't you.
Jane has just rung up to say one of our presents is being delivered tomorrow. There is an Email but we are NOT to open it..or it will spoil the surprise. Can't wait now.
She has had a rest today back in work tomorrow. She is working so hard..I'm so proud of her. What a good kid she is.Love her loads.
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all. Maybe pasta.

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