Sunday, 6 December 2009

Coming Home Sunday..

Today we would have been coming home from Bath. Last night I said to VT Have you set the alarm? He said What for? I said for the journey home. Got him going there. The little cats would be in the cattery till tomorrow. We would be home about twoish, but you can only collect the cats in the mornings. They don't know how lucky they are really.
Last night we had a nice fried rice that VT did with some schets of rice, peas and an egg.We loked through the freezer and found a bag of frozen mini spring rolls, so used them. Very tasty.
Today, Sunday, we have got the sourdough going again, and at long last after a week of tlc, it is bubbly again, so we have made a sourdough loaf. We also made a pizza dough toour usual recipe to make a basic nice pizza tonight.
VT went to Netherton this morning, he is still after some wheel trims, but they didn't have any. Trouble is he wants cheap ones and the stores that normally sell them have all the Christmas things in so wheel trims aren't on sale at the moment.
Jane rang up the other night, she is having loads of trouble with the first place she works at. The bloke there owed her tons of money, so she has taken what he owes her, and left a note and gone. Very wise too. The c hap is leaving her terrible text messages, but she needs to look after herself for once. He is driving round in a Range Rover and owes money all over. A real twirp.
Tonight we are having:
Home made pizza with tomato and mozzarella and basil.
Small side salad.

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