Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Big Black Hole..

I think there must be one somewhere in the universe. One that contains all the lost post, odd socks and other things that go missing.
VT sent .jane her AA card and that hasn't arrived, neither has my Mother's Day card which hasn't got here yet either. They must all be somewhere, where does it all go?
Mind you VT was reading an article the other day about theft from the Post Office, and apparently around three hundred posties had been sacked last year. Our posties are fine, but someone must be to blame somewhere.
We nipped out this morning to get a few bits that I had forgotten, and to put some money into Jane's bank for her.Might help a bit. Then we called in at the garden centre to get a coffee, but it was absolutely heaving with people, so we came home.It gets really noisy when it is busy, and I hate noisy places because you can't have a proper conversation. Hearing aids don't help there. Didn't spot any plants that shouted at us, and they didn't have any catmint either so a bit disappointed. Our cats, and everyone elses have shredded our nice bush of catmint, it seems to be cannabis for cats that stuff.
Our next door neighbour rang the doorbell last night. VT disappeared, then came back to say that she had a mouse on her doorstep. Right in the middle, and she doesn't like them. so she asked him if he would mind getting rid of it for her. She must miss her husband such a lot, it's little things like that they are good for....and others as well!
Tonight we are having:
Little baked potatoes 8oz
or maybe a mixed vegetable gratin
Cheesey kiev
Not altogether sure..I will see when I go down.
Next door neighbour the other side was washing her car this morning, which was odd because it has looked like rain all day. hasn't yet though maybe she will be lucky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we have the same problem here with post. I don't tend to post anything important from where I live but will wait until I'm in another town. We tend to get post which has been opened or the envelope has been torn and, in fact, the other day Nigel got a letter where the envelope had been opened and the letter had a mug ring on it!! Am having an early night tonigh feeling quite tired and I'm on medication for a tooth infection!! which in two weeks time will be pulled out completely. Take care, Judyx