Thursday, 29 March 2012

Another Free Coffee!

Another nice day, but a little chilly. We took ourselves off to the garden centre ovver the road to get the free coffee before the month of March runs out, which won't be long! Vin wanted to get some plant pots to put his little clematis plants in, and i wanted a look at their gaarden benches.
As it turns out, they didn't have any of the kind I am looking for, the Jack and Jill ones, so it looks like it will be Dobbies for one of those. Vin said that the stone planters were too dear, and he will look somewhere else. He got some little pots though so at least he can pot on his clematis.
Went into the cafe which was heaving, really busy..wouldn't mind shares in that place.! Spotted a lovely little old lady who lives doen the road from us. We see her quite often actually because she walks "round the block" twice every day on her two sticks. She was there with a friend having her lunch and they had a nice big glass of wine each..very nice too..Good for her. must be doing her good, she is at the other end of eighty.
I had a bit of a look round the gift shop and bought another light thing to go in Ann's oarcel for her birthday, a scented sachet, in a pretty pack.
To my shame I trod on little Rusty at lunchtime. No idea how it happened, she was eating her chicken in the extension, and i was putting something in the bin and must have trodden on her tail. Horrible screech Vin shouts out, and she runs like the wind under the cat flap and down the garden out of my way. Vin followed her, but she ran under the back door> She did come back a couple of minutes later and he lifted her in to finish her chicken.

So sorry Little Rusty! Wouldn't hurt you for the world..Ever. Of course Vin won't let me forget it now, and is making the most of it.
Tonight we are having:
Cheesey Kievs,
Little baked potatoes
Mixed vegetables.

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