Wednesday 7 February 2018

Back Again!

Back again since Friday.  our Jane came home on Saturday for the weekend  so I tended to leave her alone in the afternoons when she usually had a sleep.  She went home last night at nightime when she said the traffic was lighter.  She rang up when she got home at around half past eleven on her way to tesco, no doubt to replenish her stocks of pepsi Maxi cherry flavour! Pity she doesn't have shares in that firm. 
Today we are clearing up her room, getting the bedding done for next time, which hopefully won't be too long.  It was lovely to see her though.  Vin did her hair on Sunday, now all she needs is a good hair cut. There is a place she goes to in Manchester who do a lovely cut, gets it really short which suits her. 
Little  Jessie wasn't bothered by her visit. She is probably getting used to her now. Actually, the only things she runs away from are doorbells. We wonder what has frightened her in the past to be so scared of doorbells.  All of the cats we have ever had have been wary of something or other. One a lovely little black one called Inky was terrified of the black coal hod, or my black boots. If I came in the house in those she would scoot upstairs like lightening. We always  reckon she must have been kicked or something when  she was with a former owner.  No other wxplanation for it really. 
Anyway little Jessie was happy enough to see Jane and wasn't at all bothered. 
Cream cake with her daddy tonight.! 

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