Wednesday 28 February 2018


Really cold today! i fully expected to wake up this morning to loads of snow, but nothing really here on the coast. Looking at the people online some of them in other areas have been hit really badly. One in Norfolk had about a foot of snow overnight and the whole of Norfolk brought to a standstill.  Looking out of the window right now it is snowing quite heavily, and will probably stick because everywhere is quite dry. 
Poor Jane is on nights tonight so will probably get loads of broken ankles and arms I should think. I hope it isn't too slippy for her. 
We didn't go anywhere today, at least I didn't but intrepid Vin did. he went off to Homebase to get some logs to stock up in case!
Well that flurry of snow has stopped now so that was quick!
Little Jessie hasn't been out either, she much prefers her nice warm basket. all curled up and lovely and warm. Funny at lunchtime, we had soup with a few croutons and a slice of olive and rosemary bread toasted. She jumped up on the arm of Vin's chair and looked very interested. He said it wasn't cream cake, but he thought it was the smell of the rosemary, and that maybe it was a bit like catnip!! He is probably right as I think it is of the same family. 
In her hut last night, right by the fire, best spot in the house!

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