Wednesday 21 February 2018


Firstly an apology to our Jane. I posted a picture of what I thought was her yesterday, but it wasn't. It was a photo of a girl from a paper who  is her Doppelganger! looks exactly the same, very confusing. Sorry Jane.
Today we had an appointment at podiatry at 3.30. So basically the whole day revolved round that. We had to do everything a bit earlier and left the house at about a quarter to three after squashing everything up.  Got there at around 3.15 just about sat down and then heard my name called. Good start! Saw the lovely Cathy . I like her always have done. She is one of those easy down to earth people who gets on with things.  Mind you the whole team is great, they are like old friends by now!.
Had my feet dressed and was given some new podiatry shoes a bit smaller, so a bit easier to walk on.  I have another appointment on Friday with the orthotist, but she said  to ring up first in case the shoes aren't in to just check.
Little Jessie was in her basket  when we left and was still there when we got back! Don't think she moved at all. Vin said Hello Puss when we got in the house and she just about raised her head.  Hmmmm.!

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