Wednesday 28 March 2018

Odd Day!

Weather wise! Started quite dull and not very bright, then tipping it down at lunchtime, then as I do this it is bright sunshine. It's no wonder the British people discuss the weather so much, you never know where you are.  It seems from the forecasts that we are due for the same over Easter too and possibly some colder towards the end of the week. 
Vin went off  to Crosby this morning because he wanted to get some logs and coal to stock us up. He also got some things that he usually gets on Sunday but with the stores being closed on Easter  Sunday plus the road going out of the village is also going to be closed for roadworks which makes things difficult. 
We are out tomorrow so we stayed in today for a break. At least I did, whilst he went out.  Little Jessie came up to wake him up this morning, and then went in her basket. She has been there most of the day since, but just before I came upstairs she went in front of the heater and sprawled herself  in front of the heater in the middle room. Vin has gone out to his car to get the logs so maybe she will follow him into the garden. She is very good at staying there though and is certainly not one who strays. Thankfully.
Having a conversation, very one sided though. She is never far from her Daddy though!

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