Monday, 16 July 2007

All Clear!

Had a hospital appointment this afternoon, with the Plastics man Mr James. It is primarily to check for "lumps" after my surgery last year. Unfortunately I had a toe removed because of Skin Melanoma, hence the name above Jenny nine toes. No visible lumps so I seem to have got away with it so far anyway. Very quick too, I was in and out in about 10 mins.
So for lunch we had a nice sandwich before we went, Quorn Deli ham and salad in mine, no salad for VT. Normally on a Monday we have the left over Pizzaand salad from Sunday night. Therefore for tea tonight we are having:
Pizza (leftovers)
Salad with Avocado,
Cartons of potato salad, and rice salad.
Did a fair bit of shopping in Sainsbury's to top up on veggies etc.,will keep us going all week.I hope.

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