Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Busy Day in the end..

Today was supposed to be quite a quiet day , but turned out to be a fairly busy one in the end. VT started off early ringing the PO to arrange for a parcel to be delivered to the PO down the road. We missed it yesterday because of the hospital appointment. Then he set about arranging the holiday insurance. That had proved to be a problem yesterday mainly because of my toe!! You start filling out the forms then get to the pre existing conditions section and have to go through screening. When you get to the bit where you say there was an operation last year most of them don't want to know! This morning he looked at the Martin Lewis website which recommended another one that he rang up and got that sorted. £140 instead of £240 for 2 weeks from Saga!!
So we then went to Formby to arrange for me to get a new pair of glasses with Reactions for the sunshine. I get £75 back from Medicash so am quite chuffed. Whilst we were there we had a look at the new M&S which is very impressive, even has the Per Una clothing range as well. Bought a bag full of stuff and VT had a £3 voucher so we only paid £2.18 !! very restrained for us!
Tonight we are having:
Meatballs in Goulash sauce mushrooms and peppers for VT.
4oz pasta or rice,
Carrots on the side.

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