Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Housekeeping and other things...

Raining at the moment, which is quite a good thing since it hasn't rained since the roof was repaired. So it will be a test.
Did boring things today like the ironing and the kitchen floor which was getting grubby. Would have loved to make a cake really, but no go. I am at the stage where everything is looking tempting and I could really eat something very tasty, but must remember what we have accomplished and resist!!
Big weigh in today and guess what!! we are firmly stuck on a big plateau just on the stones 11 and 12 and not moving. It is SO frustrating when we aren't cheating at all. But, we have been here about 3 weeks now and it isn't fair. Grrrrrrrrrr.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn escallopeswith mushrooms,
Crushed potatoes 4oz.
Carrots peas and beans.
Let's see if we can shift another pound or two.

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