Friday, 24 October 2008

Communal Fix-Its..

Yesterday it was the hedge cutters, today it is the battery charger, the other day it was the long ladders..The men folk in this road should have a communal shed for storuing things. It has been a year of sharing things this year.
Today being Friday we took my money to Morrisons in Ormskirk. I do quite enjoy going there actually, because we can have a bit of a look round then a cup of coffee in our cafe, then finish off with the shopping in Morrisons. Forgot to get some Ben and Jerry's ice cream though which was on offer, but maybe that is as well. We bought our usual things for a Friday,except I bought a long sleeved nightie from the Bon Marche shop. Why can't you buy long sleeved nightdresses in this country? Plenty of them in America, in Wal-Mart last year I could have bought any number of them and gorgeous designs and patterns too. But in this country forget it. They are all pinks or blues or lemons terrible things!! I wish someone would wake up and design some really nice cheap night clothes.
Snoopy the cat from the Liz Jones column is doing OK. I sent her an e-mail on Sunday, something I never do . but I was worried about the little cat, and she had written about it so beautifully, and I got a reply yesterday!! wasn't expecting that. She said that he has kidney failure, and is on lots of medication but is doing ok. I hope she has one of those pill thingies that VT uses on our little Rusty. He is great at doing that, she has to have a tablet twice a day, and she takes them quite well really, but VT seems to have the knack.
I hope little Snoopy does well.
Tonight we are having:
Meatballs in a Swedish style sauce,
Rice..white basmati,
Mixed vegetables, butternut squash and fine beans and peas.

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