We were going out this morning but got up later due to the early mornings in the last two days.So, we decided to stay in. We did a bit of
clearing up instead, tidied the front bedroom, andVT vacuumed the landing. He took the landing carpet outside and battered it, and said it was really dusty. One of the penalties of having cats I suppose, they shed their hairs everytime they move..but who cares.
Little Rusty seems to b3e fine after her visit to the vets yesterday, Sometimes it tires them out, but she is ok. The vet tried to check her heartbeat yesterday but couldn't because she was perring too much...Aaaah bless her. When she (the vet) took her off for the blood test she came back and said they did get a check and she was fine. We are awaiting the results now of the thyroid test.
It is much warmer today for a change at least the sun is shining. I had a lovely salad for my lunch and VT had Quorn sausage rolls and beans which he enjoys. I love salads and could eat them every day. This one was a potato and egg one from Waitrose, not cheap but very tasty.
VT was doing the phones this afternoon, the one in the middle room has gone faulty, so he has put a new one in. So it turned into a clearing up fiddly sort of day today. We will go somewhere tomorrow.
Tonight we are having:
Broccoli Quiche and
A tin of spaghetti to go with.
Maybe a few sliced potatoes but not sure.
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