The usual Sunday things! A nice Oatmeal sourdough loaf, a batch of pizza dough and the crosswords. Nothing out of the ordinary there.
Too cool for VT to sit out in the gaarden this afternoon with his cup of tea and I think I am about to go and change my thinner top for a sweat shirt again. Typical August weather...
Been searching the Ebay site this morning for another Apilco breakfast cup. VT was putting them away the other day and one slipped out of his hand and unfortunatelycrashed on the floor in hundreds of pieces. They are beautiful cups actually a real dark green with a gold rim so I am on the lookout for a replacement because we love those cups for our morning coffee. Tragedy.
VT went to Maghull this morning to take the DVD back to Blockbusters. We got "Changeling" with Angelina Jolie and others. Excellent film actually. We really enjoyed it. It was based on a true story, very sad, about a serial boy murderer in the late nineteen twenties. Clint Eastwood directed and it was a really good one to watch for its period atmosphere. Fashions, cars, houses buildings everything was well done. Highly recommended.
Tonight we are having:
Sundried tomato pizza, (a new one out of the pizza book)
Salad with baby pomodorino tomatoes avocado etc
Potoato salad and celery fruit and nut,
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