Little Bobby back to normal after being out of sorts last week. She came on the bed this morning andsnuggled up beautifully, I had my arm round her and she was purring like a mad thing.
Started off with a load of washing this morning. Since it was a nice day I thought I would get the towels done so gathered all the towels I could find upstairs and get them done. Nice sunny day so hanging them on the line for a change.
VT went out for a mooch this morning ended up in Maghull. he said it was quite quiet
The crosswords were quite good today apart from one clue problem which was Damascene.. Ornament on metal...new one on me.
Didn't make a loaf today we will make one tomorrow instead. Probably a bread mix one.
Got the pizza dough going. VT is making a different one today.
Watched "Revolutionary Road" last night on DVD. It was excellent actually. Kate Winslett and Leonardo de Caprio. Both extremely good.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with walnut, mushroom and blue cheese topping .
(Out of the little pizza book)
Potato salad and celery nut salad
Salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes and cucumber.
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