Just the usual in our house. No-one went anywhere yesterday, since it poured down with rain all day. Next door neighbours put a line of washing out early in the morning and left it. of course it started to rain, and the washing was left out, all day and all night and was only taken in this morning Sunday! Don't get it myself,the washibng must smell and then must need washing again to make it fresh. Waste of washing powder and electricity! Daft.
This afternoon the whole house smells of onions and garlic. The neighbours the other way must be cooking again,, either that or making chutney..don't see her as the chutney type though!
One of the perils of living in a terraced house I suppose.
The rain has eventually cleared up and a very bright sun came out for a few minutes this afternoon.
VT went oput this morning mainly to get an egg salad from Sainsburys. The ones in the shop on Friday were all soggy, and they were well in date as well. He only went out for a short while and was home for his coffee.
Did the crosswords this afternoon as usual, I did mine really quickly, he got a bit stuck on his, then sulked because I had done mine early. Mine was easy today though I thought. He did most of the big MOS one, but finished it off on the computer later. His machine is a little crossword solver, and has an encyclopaedia Britt aon it, but it doesn' t have modern writers on it much, so they usually need looking up.
Last night we had:
Tacos with quorn mince and chilli beans
All the bits and pieces, grated cheese, lettuce, soured cream and guacamole.
VT got a parcel ready for the post today. It is a pack of Oval Alberts with celery in them, that when we opened them yesterday smelled awful, of rancid fat. So he has written a letter, and is sending them back tomorrow. We will see what we get back from them. I love sending things back, it is always interesting to see what returns.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomatoes sauce,roasted vegetables and mushrooms.
Egg and potato salad, with avocado
Potato salad for me and pasta salad for VT.