Monday 16 April 2012

Back In The Old Routine...

Jane has gone...back to manchester. We took her back this morning because she wanted to get settled in so she could do some of her revision before her exams tomorrow. We got up early..she didn't. left it till last minute Went back with a load of stuff from the freezer and the bank of Mum and Dad!
Very good journey both there and back a bit quicker coming home if anything.We had a coffee when we got there and although we took our lunch with us, it was too early so we had that when we got home again. I think the little cats wikll be pleased to get their room back again,they haven't really known where to go over the last few days, because they go into her room a lot actually, it's nice and least when she isn't there.
Vin spent ages getting Jane's car put right when he got there. he is such a lovely man..I hope she appreciates him, and what he does. he put new wiper blades on her car all round, and fixed the mirror inside which had come off the glass. he went out and got some special glue and a kit to do that with, then did all that when he got there. Aaah Bless.
Saturday we watched the grand National as we do every year. We have about five horses each mostly with £1 E/W bet..great big gamblers we are...Not! Great race this year, very exciting, but marred by the death of two horses that had to be put down..According to Pete, and Synchronised which was a favourite. I got excited because my horse looked like it was going to win, then a grey horse came up from the side and won by a...nostril! I was robbed..i would have won £16, but my one was second..what a shame!
yesterday was a longish day. We stopped indid bits and pieces.. Vin did his Hairdressing bit, and coloured Janes hair with a permanent dye, and also did mine with a touch up roots one. Jane's hair is quite grey, much greyer than mine actually, don't know where she gets that from!last night we had:
Pizza with our sauce mushrooms and pineapple and courgette,
Jane had a frozen Pizza Express one..she hates mushrooms!
Tonight we are having:
The remaining pizza with a titchy bit of extra cheese on
Egg and potato salad with avocado pear
Potato salad for moi and sweet chilli noodle salad for Vin.

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