Stopped in today, and this morning we cleared ut the freezer, since the bins are due tomorrow so a good chance to get rid of stuff. Surprising how much there is to clear out actually, bits left from Christmas, and lots of bits of bread, that gets put in there and not used. The birds will like that.Wanted to clear it out a bit before Jane comes home so we can put some stuff in for her. She has just rung up actually, and given me some ideas of what she we will have some shopping to do. A few things that we don't normally buy, like strong cheddar cheese, we don't get a lot of cheese any more. While we were talking on the phone there were a lot of sirens in the background..she said it looked like a bad smash, and she could see two cars badly bashed up. trouble for someone there.
Little Rusty is more settled today, and much better in herself. She definitely wasn't herself yesterday, but she is a lot better today, thank goodness.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn cornish pasties from our cleared out freezer
Mushroom gravy
Carrots peas and beans.
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