Went from there into Crosby. Vin has noticed the exhaust of his car making a strange noise over the last few days so he wanted t go to the exhaust place to get it checked. They put it up on the ramp, and said there was a crack in the pipe, so he has booked it in for tomorrow to get it replaced. called in at Sainsburys on the other side of the road, and got a few things..cats chicken mainly, and my genius bread. then home for a restorative coffee.
Think I fancy a trip to Amsterdam, apparently there the coffee shops are all full of wacky baccy smokers!! makes our coffee shops look tame!

This is by way of an experiment. I haven't put any photos on here since I have had to use the internet explorer for the blog. Still don't like it, but never mind eh!
Jane has just rung up. She had locked herself in the house and couldn't get out, couldn't find her keys, but did eventually when she had turned her room upside down.
Tonight we are having:
Chicken style pie with a light mushroom gravy
Some little jersey royals sauteed
Mixed veggies.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Hares and rabbits!
May day today, and it dawns fairly dullish and maybe drizzly. flood alerts over quite a bit of the country, but it seems not in the North West, so we are alright for the time being.
We had an appointment over the road at the GPs surgery for a review with the Nurse at ten to eleven . Got there around five mins early, and punched myself in at the machine. Saw her at five past eleven so not too much of a wait. She had her usual conversation with the computer. Took my blood pressure and said something about it could be a bit lower, but it's ok actually according to the nephrology consultant on Friday. Then took some bloods for the Diabetes, filled one tube and the other wasn't playing and didn't fill, but she said there would be enough. Went through my medications, asked me what some of them were for!!! and gave me another repeat prescription, which she would fax through to the chemist over the road. So that's it...done...keep Vin happy for another year!! and stops the big "You need a review" statement at the bottom of my
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