Wednesday, 28 November 2012


It seems like they are like buses. You wait for ever for one to come along then three come along at once!! One on Monday with the consultant anaesthetist then , I got two letters this morning. One for an appointment at the thoracic exercise testt on tuesday at 3.00 then an admission letter for the 17th december Ward 4 at 11.oo. That will be six months since I first went to my GP. Taken long enough..just hope we get there in the end.
Busy this morning after a somewhat disturbed night. bobby decided she was going to upchuck on the end of the bed at some ungodly hour so that had to be stripped off. Wouldn't you know it but we had changed all the bedding yesterday too. Typical! Anyway there was a huge pile of bedding already to be ironed this morning so did that. vin rang the hearing aid centre and cancelled my appointment which was next week, and got the coal bunker sorted out for the coal delivery. 4 Bags at £17 odd a bag just around £74. That's the second delivery this season but Vin makes it last and we have extra fire bricks so you actually need less on the fire. With the logs it makes a nice cosy fire.That was the morning after all that. At least the heating allowance pays for just about three deliveries!
Tonight we are having:
pasta aof some sort..maybe a simple macaroni cheese type
A bit of garlic bread for Vin

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