Tuesday 13 December 2016

Out and About...

For a change we had a day without hospital appointments. It has really been a year of too many of them, so a day off is quite precious. This week fortunately we are fairly clear. Yesterday we had a podiatry clinic one at 2.30 so didn't have time to come on here by the time we got home. 
Didn't really make it much clearer what had been done to the foot except that the toe is still there, but feels a bit wobbly!!! Will have to wait to see what Mr Butcher says next week at his appointment. 
Today we took ourselves off to Dobbies to get a few things we had run out of and also to get our free coffees for December.
Not a nice day, very drizzly and wet underfoot, but doesn't matter there since it is all indoor. We had a mooch around and spotted some foodie items we got later, then went for our coffees. We both had a lovely large latte and a bit of prople watching then went to look at holly wreaths for the front door. Very disappointing, buta we got the other items we saw earlier.  Then off home. Really nice trip out it was too.
Called in at Homebase on the way home but their wreaths were too big and expensive, so kept along the road to Ince Blundell nurseries where he got exactly the one we wanted for a reasonable cost too.  Job done. 
Home for a light lunch and the doorbell went with a delivery. It was Vins Christmas present from Paxton and Whitfield of their Christmas cheese selection. Since it was perishable goods he had to open it but I think he was pleased. Glad I spotted that. 
Little Jess has joined us in the middle room these nights which is lovely, she still jumps at noises, like the doorbell. She really is a cutie, and adorable. 

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