Wednesday 24 January 2018

One in One Out!

The one out was Vin who went off to Formby to get a haircut. He then went to Homebase and Tesco for a bit of a look round.  I was the ne who stayed in but I am quite happy in front of the computer. Still getting used to the google chrome which I find is more difficult to get round than the AOL but  there you go, just have to get used to it. In the great scheme of things it doesn't really matter. 
Our Jane rang up at what was nearly coffee time on her way back from ASDA where she had got her hair colour. We had a nice little chat while she was driving home. I love her little chats. XX

Vin came back at coffee time and we had very nice skinny lattes, one of the items that he brought back from Tesco was some more of those so good shopping! Plus he also bought a cream cake so his little cat will be a very happy puss when we are having ur coffee and countdown!
Madam  with her eyes on his plate. When he has his cream cake she won't leave him alone till he gives her a tiny bit of his cream.  :) 

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