Tuesday 29 May 2018

Peepers !

The trouble with having an early appointment is that once you wake up in the morning that is it really. You doze until it is time to get up. Of course  Jessie was up and around and so vin went down to feed her then came back to bed, he wriggles and turns then until it is time to get up to get our coffee and biscuit. I( always quite enjoy that time of the day when we have a little chat about things. It could be something we watched last night or it could be something he heard on the news anything really. 
I had an appointment at the eye screening clinic in litherland Town Hall which is done every year. It is a really really bright sunny day so certainly needed my sunglasses. Trouble is you have eye drops put in which enlstgr your pupils so you look like you are on drugs, therefore everything seems brighter anyway.  The girl puts the eye drops in  you wait about fifteen minutes and  then she calls you back in. Time for the camera shoot of the back of the eye and then off home.  Because  there is nowhere to go after that, and also becuse I can't actually see anything  we came home. We did go via the garden centre and Vin got a hanging basket for the front garden by the door.  At least that looks nice now. 
Jessie is very quiet today, trying to keep cool which can't be easy for a black cat.  She is mostly in the front room where it is cooler. 
Looks half asleep. !

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