Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Messing About in the Little House.

Bit of this and a bit of that today. The weather is a bit iffy, not raining but blowy and cold. You wouldn't want to go to Ormskirk today and be blown off your feet.
We started the day watching the remembrance service to mark the 90th anniversary of the Armistice Day. It was quite moving actually, the sort of thing the BBC does extremely well. It's such a shame that they bother with people and programmes like the Ross character, when they do the period classics and special occasions so well.
The three surviving members of the forces from the First World War were there. One is 112 years old, and the other two well into theircenturies. Amazing, and the oldest wanted to place his wreath himself, beautifully done. What those men gave up was such a sacrifice. We should remember.
Otherwise the day was very uneventful, did a bit of ironing and not much more really. VT said the Christmas Tree has been put up on the village green, no lights yet though. Suppose they are getting ready early. It looks nice when it is lit up, they have a lighting ceremony round about the beginning of December, with the band and a "celebrity" to switch them on.
Tonight we are having:
Lamb Grills, (Quorn ones) that I do in the oven,
Carrots and beanss or Broccoli,
Mushroom gravy,
Squashed Potatoes, with rosemary salt.

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