The cats enjoy the bed too, especially when we are in it! Bobby comes on the bed at some ungodly hour in the morning and gets in the middle, and does the whisker torture thing on your face. If you turn over she will settle on the middle which is ok and you can get back to sleep..mostly.. Then VT gets up to get the coffee and we stay for a bit longer. Beats teaching anyway.
We went to Dobbies garden centre this morning. VT wanted to get a few plants for the hanging basket at the front of the house, since everything in it has died off and it is looking scrappy. We got some really lovely primroses mixed colours and a tray of little yekllow ones called Emily. I must admit I am very impressed with their plants, they are good value and well tended. Really pretty primroses.
Of course we had to get our free coffees too..we take our own biscuits being sad people,Last time we went there was no-one there, today is was fairly busy. I got a bag of tea bags for Johns birthday, and VT was happy because we got a redyuced Cheddar cheese. Don't know about free coffees..each time we go we spend money!! that is probably the idea.
Tonight we are having:
Garlic Kievs Meatfree..
Little baked potatoes,
Vegetables and mushrooms.
A little bread sauce.
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