This is by way of being my Signature Dish. We have this every Christmas as The Pudding, and sometimes for Birthdays. It is a Hazelnut Gateaux and is delicious. A confection of nutty meringue with a filling of whipped cream and raspberries. Finish with dark chocolate of some sort, this year I used some tiny chocolate buttons that I bought from The Pier before it closed.
Today it is New Year's Day..2009. I wonder what this year has in store? We had a simple drink last night and flicked through the channels on the box. Dire programmes really. BBC was a parade of the Olympic Sports Gold Medal winners, and singing stars if you can call them that..Boring. BBC2 was the inevitable "Jools" ..boring to the extreme, and ITV was an Elton John Concert which was probably great if you were there but otherwise...boring.
It is time someone came up with something different for the New Year's Eve programme. Surely they can come up with a little more creativity!
For a first today VT and I were playing about on the computer and have put some photos on the blog. A mixture of his gorgeous Pizzas, and my Hazelnut Cake. Will try something else another time.
VT has gone next door to try and get the cat to go in now. He let it out this morning, and it has been playing with him. He says their house is very cold, I wonder why they don't put a heater on. Poor little thing.
Our Bobby seems none the worse for her little bother the other night. She isn't limping and seems to have got away without any damage. But it was a worry.
Tonight we are having:
Picky things from the freezer. We always have this on New Years Day, and it is by way of a tradition. probably quite high calorie but we can go back on the Healthy Eating Plan on Monday.
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