We took my money to ASDA this morning for a change, we haven't been there for a while now. We were expecting it to be busy, but it wasn't too bad, no kids around yet, that will be next week, when it is half term. Had a look at the clothing, and the home and wear, but nothing appeals at the moment. We didn't actually spend a lot today, we did a lot of stocking up last week in Sainsbury's so just got the things we needed. Took our coffee with us today, their coffee is horrible, and served in those revoklting plastic cups, so we find a 2quiet spot in the car park and have our coffee there. I had a look at books, but nothing sprung out at me, and no clothing either. Nothing to spend my money on today.
Home for lunch, and started to vacuum around the stool where Bobby sleeps. VT heard the noise and came up to investigate, then he takes over. I was astounded at the amount of white hairs around the chair in Janes room. He moved the radiator, and it was almost a carpet of white hair. She moults so much, she leaves hairs everywhere..not her fault though she can't help it.
The culprit..clouds of white hair everytime she jumps up and down on things. Never mind..
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Chips 200grms
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi.
Tartare sauce.
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