Monday, 24 May 2010

Another hot One..

We are in danger of having Summery weather here. Although there is a bit of a breeze today, it is still lovely and sunny. VT is presently in the garden watering some of the plants which have become dry.
It was very warm last night, and with a cat on top of us very early this morning it was quite warm indeed. We are going to have to look at a lighter quilt for when the weather gets any hotter, otherwise we will be too uncomfortable.
VT's car was absolutely covered this morning in those horrible sticky..very sticky things that drop at this time of the year from Sycamore trees. He had brushed them off once, so decided to get a car wash on the way to the shops this morning. We went to the BP garage but it was not working so ended up in Tescaw..unfortunately, i hate giving my money to tescaw. Got a good car wash though. Then went to Waitrose for the veggies. At least it was quiet as it usually is. I miss the Morrisons that used to be there, I really like Morrisons, but the nearest is too far, for a quick trip. Too many poncey shops in Formby actually, they need a middle of the road store like Sainsbury's.
Home for a nice lunch of our remaining pizza,and a salad to go with.
Very bright sunshine at the back of the house this afternoon, and it is getting quite hot in the back. You need all the blinds down in this weather. Seems funny, only a week orso ago we were complaining about the cold. Never happy in this country.
Tonight we are having:
Gruyere cheese escalope,
Tender stem broccoli and green beans,
Squashed new jersey royals,
Mushrooms in a bit of sauce.

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