The Sunday papers are full of the usual vitriol against poor Gordon, I do feel sorry for him and his family, it must be dreadful to read those headlines day after day, week after week. it is like a form of bullying. I suppose he will go eventually. Shame.
VT went into formby this morning, and said it was quite busy, with a lot of people sitting in the sun outside Costa Coffee..he swore he didn't join them! He had a bill to hand in at M&S instead of posting it, which saved 36p. He thought that the charity bookshop was open, to look for revision guides for Jane, but it wasn't. He said there wasn't anything open actually, apart from the M&S and Waitrose.
Had some nice cheese and biscuits again for lunch, and then settled down to do the crosswords. Mine was a bit of a pain because it was all different types of poisons as the theme. VT finished his..the Sunday Express one in record time. Then we did the big MOS one which was fairly awkward with one or two clues that proved to be a problem. The Answerbank got them in the end though.
Bedding done today, it is a real advantage having two sets, it saves a load of ironing all in the one day. I was saying that if I won a fortune on the Lottery i would pay someone to change all the bedding a couple of times a week.True luxury.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza..well what else!
Home made tomato sauce, Portobello mushrooms, meatfree pepperoni sausage etc.
Salad and potato salad for moi and pasta salad for VT.
Jane rang up yesterday and said they had had a ciabatta with pesto and tomato and mozzarella. She said that Asda do one with basil already in it. I shall have to look out for that one.
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