Don't know really. Absolutely nothing going on today. Got into my letter to John and Ann this morning, and thankfully the computer was behaving today, so no errors. VT has shown me a quick way of saving what I have done, so I don't have to keep bringing the file box down each time. There is a little black square on the left of the bar that you click on and it saves what you have done. No-one has ever taught me that. In fact no-one hass taught me much about computing at all really. VT has given me tutorials and that enables me to function with it. But, when I think of all those training days when I was at school I wonder what we ever did. Terrible trainers really, the first sign of anything going wrong, and they would lean over you and press this and press that and you'd go again..till the next time. Hopeless. The best way is to learn yourself. I first got interested on Jane's old computer and I used to find food websites, the Delia Smith one was good, and you progress from there. Baby steps in my case.
Very dull today, and not too warm either, overcast, and one of those very still days. I'd be sorry if I was going on holkliday today, especially in Britain anyway.I remember all those holidays in Angelesey when we were on the beach in the cold with goosebumps. very nice if the sun was out, but don't remember too many of those days. It was better when we first went to Florida, that was warm at least. You didn't get goosebumps in their pools.
Jane rang up today. She has had a letter from the pain specialist that she went to a number of weeks ago. It is favourable towards her, and she was pleased with what he had written. So the next stage is to return that to her solicitor and wait for an answer. Seems like her case is coming nearer to the end now. it has been such a long time for her, I hope it is sorted out soon.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese..Spring rolls,
Sauce of some sort, maybe plum and ginger
Stirfry vegetables and 1/2 a packet of fried rice each.
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