Thursday, 1 July 2010

Hares and Rabbits..

Yet another month gone by and now it is July. Very mixed today with rainy spells and sunshine patches and dull spells too. Does it bode well for the month I wonder?
Quite muggy for the tennis players at Wimbledon I should think.The Ladies semi-finals today to see who is in the final on Saturday. The men's should be interesting now that Federer is out of it.
The cats haven't moved much today and are presently both asleep on the bed, it is a little bit breezy out, and I don't thi nk they like that.
We watched a programme last night about a "Bionic vet" who deals with animals that have huge problems. One case was a little black cat called Oscar, who had his back two paws chopped off by a combine harvester. The vet made him two implants to go into his legs, and some engineers from the University of Salford made him some little prosthetic feet. The cat is adorable with huge bug green eyes, and was so calm throughout. He was last seen walking around confidently in his house, you'd never know what had happened to him. The wondders of technolkogy.
Tonight we are having:
Cheesey kievs
Squashed new potatoes

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