Then VT brought me the usual cup of coffee and a cow biscuit at a far more respectable time. He presented me with a nice card, a Yankee aromatherapy candle and some new flavour ones that were on special display..mountain lodge. There ws a bottle of Chardonnay spring low alcohol wine too. Good to see he is looking after my health. He bought me a nice bunch of red roses yesterday too, so done very well this year.
Jane phoned up at lunchtime for a quick chat, she was in the middle of watching a film! Didn't get a card from her, but she said it is in the post..we'll see!
VT went out to Formby this morning, mainly to get a couple of things we didn't get from Tescaw on friday. He came back with a nice M&S Citron tart for our pudding tonight, so that's a treat.
So it well be Cheers from me tonight..
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce
Portobello mushrooms meat free pepperoni sausage pineapple, pepper and courgette.
Egg and potato salad with baby plum tomatoes and avocado
Potato salad for moi and Florida salad for VT.
Happy birthday to yoooooooou,
Hope you had a good 'un xxxx
Thanks Lynn,
I keep meaning to send off the Red Sea Sourdough starter flakes. I will do that in the next few days I promise. All I need to do is get the instructions copied then they are good to go.
Have the chil;dren started their holidays yet? It's this week here.
Thanks for your good wishes.
Love jenny XX
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