Thursday, 20 January 2011

Play Misty for Me...

Awoke this mornng to a really misty, almost foggy day outside. Cold too, VT went down for the papers and to let next door's cat out, and he came back and said the pavements were quite icy.
The little cat..Ginger Girl..he said came out when he opened the door, stayed out for about five minutes then stood at the door miaowing to be let in again.Definitely not soft that one...
We went over to the garden centre to get our January free coffees, plus VT had been given two vouchers for a free scone and jam and cream so he got those as well. Since we couldn't face a scone etc at that hour of the morning, we wrapped the scones up in a serviette, put the jams in our pockets, and the two little pots of cream together in another serviette!! What cheapskates we are, but they are better enjoyed in the afternoon.
Had a bit of a lookround the gift centre, they actually have some nice things, and I bought another necklace in guess what colour...Purple.. I loved it as soon as I saw it, and it will go really nicely with my purple tops. Also got a little fold up bag with Ann on the front pack, which will be a nice thing to send to Ann for her birthday in May.
Still very misty /foggy when we came home, which is actually what my eyes see but not quite as bad, so I felt at home today.
VT has just said they have arrested a 32 year old man for the murder of Jo yeates in Bristol. Her body was found on Christmas Day under deep snow. He is a man who lives in the same apartment building and is an architect. We shall have to wait and see what happens there..but they must have some evidence to go on. Terrible case that one.
Tonight we are having:Sausages,
Apple Sauce,
Little baked potatoes
Cauliflower gratin.

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